The concept of migration and its difference from external

Migration is the process of moving flows of people between different settlements. There are seasonal surges in migration, for example in autumn. In May, on the contrary, there is a decline.

External migration is the process of moving people outside the state. With internal migration, population movement occurs within one state.

Legal basis

Separate provisions regarding migration policy are contained in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
The Federal Law “On the right of citizens to freedom of movement, choice of place of stay and residence within the Russian Federation” establishes the concepts of registration and formal binding of citizens to a territorial point.

Important! The law establishes a ban on changing registration and place of residence in certain territories. These are border zones, closed areas, military camps, quarantine areas and zones after an environmental disaster, areas under martial law.

Law of the Russian Federation of June 25, 1993 No. 5242-1 “On the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to freedom of movement, choice of place of stay and residence within the Russian Federation”

Labor migration using the example of Russia

Population migration as a movement of population associated with a change of place of residence. Reasons, types, types of migration flows in the Russian Federation. The impact of urbanization on internal migration. Main sources of migration control. Types of international population migration.

The concept and causes of migration, its types and role in the history of mankind. Analysis of the state of labor migration abroad and in Belarus. Determining the number of young people willing to migrate. Identification of migration motives and the most preferred countries.

30 Jun 2021 hiurist 336

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Main types

Migration processes can be differentiated into types:

  1. Seasonal. Migrant flows increase or decrease depending on the season;
  2. Temporary;
  3. Non-refundable. Refers to categories of citizens who travel outside the country for the purpose of permanent residence;
  4. Economic. Caused by population movements in search of work, better working conditions and wages;
  5. Ethnic;
  6. Pendulum. They are characterized by fluctuations, for example, the morning outflow of the population from small settlements to a big city to work, and the evening influx back;
  7. Ecological. Mass outflow of population from areas with unfavorable environmental conditions;
  8. Historical. New territory is being developed.

Among internal migration there are:

  • movement within the region;
  • movements outside the region, interregional.

Additionally, they take into account in which territorial units the movements occur. For example, from a village to a city or back, or between cities; within or outside an edge or area.

The reasons for migration processes can be:

  • political situation;
  • social environment;
  • state of the economy;
  • migration policy;
  • relations of production;
  • shortage or surplus of labor resources in the region.

Interesting! Migration can be voluntary or forced. When analyzing migration processes, it is important to take into account whether people leave or arrive in populated areas of their own free will, or whether they were prompted by socio-economic, environmental and other reasons.

Migration concept

Definition 1
Migration is the movement of people from one region or state to another.

When moving, people can cross the internal boundaries of administrative entities or travel outside their country. The purpose of moving may be to find a job, study, or start a family. Migration has been characteristic of humanity since ancient times. The population gradually increased, which required the development of new territories. Since the end of World War II, there has been a trend of movement from developing countries to developed countries. Initially, Western European citizens returned from the colonies, followed by indigenous people.

All people who move are called migrants. Migration can be:

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  • internal – between regions, rural settlements and cities,
  • external - between countries and continents.

If persons come to the state, then for it they are immigrants. If they leave their homeland, they are considered emigrants.

Most often, migrations are carried out over short distances. Regional centers are attractive. Each migration flow is characterized by its own counter flow. The increase in the population of large cities is associated with population migration, and not with natural growth. Factors stimulating migration are called:

  1. Industrial development.
  2. Growth of trade turnover.
  3. Strengthening transport infrastructure.

Note 1

Thanks to migration, there is a mixing of people living in different countries and even on different continents. There is also a redistribution of labor and production factors. People get the opportunity to find better-paid jobs and create comfortable living conditions for themselves and their families.

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Question statistics

When analyzing migration flows, they use the concept of “migration balance”. This concept contains a digital value showing the difference between arrivals and departures over a certain period of time.
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It could be:

  1. Negative. This indicates a population decline in this area due to migration. The reasons why people leave a given area should be analyzed;
  2. Positive. Shows that during the analyzed period, more people arrived than left.

Interesting! There is a tendency for a negative balance in rural areas and a positive balance in cities.

Types of migrants

Migration processes can change the composition of the population according to characteristics of gender, age, and education. The number and characteristics of labor resources are changing. This is facilitated by the main functions of migration:

  1. Redistributive and selective. This means that not all citizens take a more active part in migration processes, but only their most active and able-bodied part. Men are more likely to change their place of residence than women. This leads to specific differences in the composition of the population in areas where active migration is observed. Specific characteristics affect fertility and demography, social life, and labor skills of citizens;
  2. Economic and social. This means that the outflow or influx of population into a certain area will inevitably affect the economic life of the region. This will manifest itself in a shortage or surplus of jobs, wage levels and other indicators.

Interesting! Striving to improve their own standard of living and choosing the best place to realize this goal, migrants influence the level of socio-economic life of the region as a whole.

What are the types of population migration?

Both external migration and internal migration, however, cause a significant blow to all aspects of social and economic life, although at the same time they are perhaps the main sources of foreign exchange earnings for the budget of both the family and the state. These processes, of course, bring society new experience and new knowledge, acquaintance with a foreign culture, labor organization in other countries, etc. With regard to foreign countries, it is worth noting here that emigration is characterized not only by an economic effect, but also has a certain negative impact, since it leads to an oversaturation of the labor market and an increase in unemployment.

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The problem of highly skilled workers, scientists, specialists, artists and cultural figures leaving the country is especially acute. At the same time, scientists from Russia are quoted on the labor markets of other countries at the level of world standards, that is, a “brain drain” occurs.

History of internal migration in Russia

During the Soviet Union, the level of internal migration remained high.
The population was sent to develop the eastern territories, build roads and new settlements. After 1990, there has been a sharp decline in internal migration flows. One of the reasons is the cessation of the practice of providing the population with housing and guaranteed work. During the period of the Soviet Union, the Far East was actively populated and developed, the population was lured with bonuses and salary ratios. Nowadays, an active outflow of population from the Far East continues, despite the measures taken by the state to develop this region. This is explained by the fact that the cost of living in the Far North and Far East regions is higher than in Central Russia. The level of wages does not allow covering the costs of food and accommodation. People leave in search of a better life in Central Russia and the Volga region. The Krasnodar region attracts migrants with its mild climate.

The outflow of the population of the northern territories, the Far East, and Siberia to the European part of the country is becoming widespread.

Large Russian cities that attract migrants are centers of political, economic and cultural life. They can provide a high standard of living, good wages and a choice of jobs. There are also donor regions with low living standards and incomes, characterized by a high outflow of population.

The leaders in attracting migrants were the Moscow region, Krasnodar region and St. Petersburg. The population was actively leaving the Volga District, which is explained by its proximity to the Moscow region. In the Far East, the active process of population outflow leads to a constant reduction in its population.

Where do people go?

Migration flows of the Central Federal District The Analytical Center of the Institute of Digital Transformations and Economic Trends Research conducted an assessment and made a forecast for changes in the population in the Central Federal District of Russia.

The NUMBER of the population of Russia in the future until 2024 will decrease annually . This conclusion was reached by experts from the Analytical Center of the Institute of Digital Transformations and Economic Trends Research. In the most pessimistic outcome, the country's population will decrease from 146 to 139 million people . In 2021, the natural population decline in Russia, that is, the excess of the number of deaths over the number of births, amounted to almost 260 thousand people. The reduction was the highest in 11 years. This figure was higher only in 2008 – 362 thousand. Experts believe that this trend is likely to be stable and long-term. Natural gains are likely to persist only in the North Caucasus Federal District . In other districts, including the Central Federal District , a population decline will be recorded, which will increase annually from 0.1% in 2021 to 0.3% in 2024.

Internal migration in Russia has a great influence on the population of the Central Federal District . Over 10 years, its pace has doubled: if in 2008 more than two million Russians changed their place of residence, then in 2019 – almost five million. According to statistics, more than half of the migrants move within their region, but the rest change their lives radically, moving to other regions, most often to the Central Federal District. Experts identify three reasons for migration: economic, political and religious-cultural.

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In our country, the reason for moving in the vast majority of cases is economic difficulties. According to statistics, Russians leave to work in other regions not because they are paid little, but because they do not pay at all and it is difficult to find work in the region. It is not surprising that by 2024 the minimum unemployment rate is predicted in the Central Federal District - the most attractive district for labor migration .

Experts predict that migration growth in the Central Federal District will increase from 128 thousand people in 2021 to 134 thousand in 2024, which is associated with a labor shortage in most growing sectors of the economy, such as the service sector, industrial production, construction, transport. In the future, until 2024, Moscow and the Moscow region, Belgorod, Tula and Yaroslavl regions . The lowest unemployment rate in the Central Federal District in 2024 is predicted in the Moscow and Kaluga regions.

When assessing the level of migration, it is worth taking into account the scale of temporary migration in the Central Federal District, which in some regions exceeds migration for permanent residence by an order of magnitude. For example, the reverse migration flow from Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Ivanovo regions is high. Both young people who have received higher education and middle-aged people who left to work in these regions are returning to their hometowns.

Russian Federation. Interregional migration (growth): fact. 2016–2019, forecast 2020–2024 (thousand people)

It is curious that from most regions of the Central Federal District, according to experts, more residents will leave than arrive . But there are also exception regions that are the most attractive for living. In them, the increase in residents will prevail over the departure.

For example, the Voronezh region is interesting both for citizens of the former Soviet republics and for Russian residents of neighboring regions. It is predicted that arrivals to the region will increase annually, and positive growth will increase from 700 people in 2021 to 900 in 2024. The main reason for moving is high income. According to the Ministry of Economic Development, the region is projected to have the highest growth rates of gross regional product (GRP) among all regions of the Central Federal District.

The Ryazan region is also one of the regions where the population will continue to grow. The region is attractive not only for citizens of the former Soviet republics, but also for Russian residents of a number of neighboring regions of the Central Federal District. This is due to the high level of income in the region. According to the Ministry of Economic Development, higher growth in investment in fixed assets is expected in the Ryazan region compared to other regions of the Central Federal District.

leave the Yaroslavl region than arrive. However, this area is more attractive to residents of the former Soviet republics than to residents of Russian regions due to its relatively low income level. It is expected that in the future the development of the region's economy will reduce the outflow of population.

The Tula region also belongs to the promising regions . The main reason for arriving in the region is the higher level of income of the population compared to other regions of the Central Federal District. According to the forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development, high growth in investment in fixed assets is expected in the Tula region, which will lead to rapid growth in the region's GRP.

Moscow and the Moscow region are leaders in the ranking of attractiveness for living. Despite the fact that in Moscow, positive migration growth is expected to decrease from 85 thousand people in 2021 to 82 thousand people in 2024, it will continue to remain high. The region is projected to experience high growth in fixed capital investment and will become a leader in industrial production in the near future. The frequent movement of Muscovites to the Moscow region is largely due to the availability of cheap housing there. At the same time, in the Moscow region, positive migration growth will also decrease from 70 thousand people in 2021 to 67.5 thousand people in 2024.

The problem of international migration also remains relevant . This is primarily due to the labor shortage and the process of depopulation in the country. Over the past year, the number of migrants arriving from near and far abroad countries in the Central Federal District has decreased, while the number of Russians leaving it, on the contrary, has increased. In the future, the main influx of migrants into the district is predicted from Kazakhstan and Tajikistan , as well as Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan .


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What is an example of internal migration of the population in Russia

Internal migrations of the population in Russia can be divided into several types:

  1. Due to economic factors. In this case, the population moves to regions with high investment attractiveness and a high standard of living. The leaders here are Moscow and the Moscow region;
  2. Conditioned by natural and climatic conditions. The population leaves areas with harsh climatic conditions and chooses areas with a more comfortable climate;
  3. Conditioned by social factors. As an example, “return migration”. This is a phenomenon in which the population leaves regions that were actively developed and populated earlier. Once upon a time, the population was attracted to certain areas by salary bonuses and various benefits. After their loss, it was no longer possible to maintain the desired standard of living and people began to return to the regions they had once left.

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Internal migration

In general, the migration movement in 1992-2021 contributed to the further redistribution of the population throughout the country, its predominant concentration in the southern and southwestern regions and the depopulation of the northern and eastern Russian outskirts. The population density of Russia is uneven: in the Asian part, which occupies 75% of the country's territory, only 22% of the population lives (2.5 people per 1 sq. km. with an average density of 8.7). This can be considered an already established trend.

And, nevertheless, the main flows of internal migration were determined by the processes of urbanization, industrialization and economic development of territories rich in mineral resources. They are associated, first of all, with the development of the Far North and Siberia, the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline, etc. Economic incentives generated intense migration to development zones, and difficult living conditions generated an almost equally intense return flow. Proposals for the economic development of these territories on a rotational basis, i.e. without permanent settlement, were never accepted, although the low efficiency of migration (poor survival rate of new settlers) and the high mortality rate in development zones proved the validity of such proposals.

Regional dynamics

There is an outflow of population from small towns and settlements to large cities. The reasons are:

  • increased priority for education;
  • globalization;
  • technological processes.

The leaders among cities attracting migrants from other regions remain Moscow, St. Petersburg, and the Krasnodar Territory. Educated specialists are flocking to the capital, leaving the regions. This leads to a shortage of qualified personnel locally.

In recent years, internal migration has been declining. The reasons for this are:

  • an increase in the share of the population of retirement age and a decrease in the share of the working age population:
  • outflow of highly qualified specialists abroad;
  • lack of government support or low popularity of such measures for settling remote areas;
  • people's attachment to their place of residence;
  • developing opportunities for temporary migration.

Important! The need for registration and residence permit makes its own adjustments. The state is fighting illegal migration.

Regulation and management

Migration is controlled by the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation.
Since 2002, it has been part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. To regulate migration processes, the government adopted the document “Concept of Migration Processes in Russia.”

Migration policy is aimed at regulating this process in order to direct it in a direction favorable to the state. This means that at the legislative level a set of measures is being developed and implemented aimed at stopping the outflow of population from sparsely populated areas, as well as attracting migrants to those areas where there is a labor shortage.

Interesting! In order to implement a policy to encourage citizens to settle in remote areas, the state is taking support measures. In particular, there are measures of financial support for young professionals moving permanently to rural areas. In order to support residents of the Far East and those wishing to move to it, the “Far Eastern Hectare” is proposed.

Examples of internal migration of the population of Russia

Despite existing government programs to support villages and young professionals moving to live in villages, the population of large cities continues to grow, and that of villages continues to decline.
This is explained by the fact that in cities there are more opportunities for choosing work, entertainment, for a wide variety of segments of the population. In addition, accessibility to higher education has improved. Young people who come from villages for the purpose of education often find work in their specialty after graduation and remain to live in the city.

Some people choose to live in the capital and leave provincial cities. An influx to Moscow and the Moscow region is recorded from almost all regions. This is explained by the search for a better job, this is especially true for specialists in “narrow” industries. In addition, in the capital, wages for a number of professions are higher than in other cities.

They are also leaving the northern territories, from the Far East, to cities with a more comfortable climate. The Krasnodar region is gaining popularity.

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Problems and prospects

Current problems are:

  1. Outflow of population from villages and towns. This leads to labor shortages on farms;
  2. Increased competition for jobs in large cities;
  3. Labor shortage in positions that do not require higher education.

These problems can be resolved by:

  1. Encouraging citizens to choose working specialties and professions in demand;
  2. Increasing motivation for education and improving qualifications;
  3. Stimulating technical progress;
  4. State support for the regions, improving living standards in the regions, creating jobs.

Population migration

The formation of two states on the territory of the former British colony - India and Pakistan, with the subsequent transformation of East Pakistan into the state of Bangladesh, led to the resettlement of a total of 18 million people. It was carried out mainly on a religious principle: Hindus moved to India, and Muslims moved to Pakistan and Bangladesh.

The second type is migration associated with contractual labor contracting. Moreover, today, international labor migration, caused by relative overpopulation and lack of jobs in dozens of underdeveloped countries and regions of the world, has taken on a much larger scale than before.

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