Length of service for teachers - pension for teaching staff

Regulatory acts

The following list of documents regulates bonuses for length of service in various budget areas: from the central government and the military, to workers in the educational and medical industries.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Articles: 21, 135, 143 and others).

Also, this type of incentive bonuses is regulated by many regulations:

  • by resolution of the Council of Ministers (No. 638);
  • by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (No. 377);
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation (No. 583);
  • by decree of the President of the Russian Federation (No. 1532);
  • federal law (No. 73-F3), etc.

Benefits for teachers

  • discounts on the amount of charges on housing and communal services receipts;
  • the right to participate in social housing programs;
  • transport benefits, etc.

As for the principle of calculating salaries for teachers in 2020, in this case it is worth noting such points regulated by the basic law as:

More information about benefits for teachers in 2020

In 2020, significant amounts are allocated from the budget to support teachers and their families. Social benefits for Russian teachers can be divided into three categories: general, for teachers of rural educational institutions and for teachers teaching in the city.

Please note! The list approved by law has been revised and changed many times, so the similarity of the names of institutions and positions must comply with the law that is in force at the time of pension payments.

What determines the size of the allowance?

Therefore, you should not hope that your colleague’s salary will be the same as yours, because the bonus itself depends on many factors, which will be discussed below.

This premium is always calculated as a percentage and depends on a number of factors, which we list below:

  1. type of employment (military, Ministry of Internal Affairs, educational and medical institutions, etc.);
  2. seniority;
  3. length of service in a specific position;
  4. the salary you received previously and what you are receiving now;
  5. regional and district allowances (depending on the specific area);
  6. allowances depending on the institution (set individually for a particular industry);
  7. depending on the conditions specified in the labor and collective agreement;
  8. depending on the specified payments in the regulations on incentives (bonuses) in a particular organization;
  9. percentage by years of service:
  10. length of service up to three years – 10% of salary;
  11. length of service from three to five years – 20% of salary;
  12. service for more than five years – 30% of salary;

In the military sphere, the percentage of bonuses for years of service differs slightly from the civilian one:

  • from two to five years – 10%;
  • from five to ten years – 15%;
  • from ten to fifteen years – 20%;
  • from fifteen to twenty years – 25%;
  • from twenty to twenty-five years – 30%;
  • from twenty-five years and older – 40%.

The following allowances exist for civil government employees:

  • from two to five years – 10%;
  • from five to ten years – 15%;
  • from ten to fifteen years – 20%;
  • from fifteen years and more – 30%.

If a particular employee has access to state secrets , the premium can range from five percent (minimum) to seventy-five percent (maximum).

If a particular official is responsible for protecting state secrets, then he may receive an additional 20 percent bonus.


An additional payment to the pension for long service for military personnel is perhaps one of the few factors that encourages them to work and serve their Motherland longer. It is worth noting right away that the maximum bonus is 40% of the salary. But it is not due to everyone, but only to those who have served for more than 25 years.

How is the overall situation here for the military? To be honest, citizens are satisfied. If you served from 2 to 5 years, as in all previous situations, you can receive a 10% additional payment, 15 - if the length of service is up to 10 years. In the period up to 15, a 20% increase is obtained, up to 20 - 25%, up to 25 - 30%, respectively. And then the maximum payout is calculated. It has already been said about it.

Who is entitled to a seniority bonus?

Every public sector employee has the right to receive a seniority bonus.
True, this type of premium is calculated individually based on the factors that we listed above. Such allowances are also available to employees not only of the budget and government sectors, but also of the military, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as those who are officially employed. In the latter case, this type of allowance is usually smaller in percentage terms, because the salaries of employees in private areas are often higher than those of employees in public sectors.

Read more: Guarantees for disabled people of group 3 according to the Labor Code

Registration of early retirement

How to apply before the deadline

All papers for those who are going to retire before the deadline need to be collected in advance, this will be much easier and you won’t have to worry and run through authorities at the last moment. Experts advise starting to collect papers six months before the expected submission of documents to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, with the exception of those certificates that have a statute of limitations, for example, about registration or registration.

List of documents

  • An application for assignment of pension payments before the due date according to the established template, which can be easily downloaded from our website.
  • Passport of a Russian citizen, or any other equivalent document confirming the identity of the applicant.
  • SNILS (pension insurance certificate) in the form of a plastic card.
  • Work record book or employment contracts for the entire period of the required insurance period.
  • A clarifying statement that indicates in detail which periods are included and which are not included in the insurance record of a particular person.
  • Certificate of salary for any sixty months following one after another, but not later than 2002.

Employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation may also require documents other than the basic ones, since we are not just considering an insurance pension, for which this would be quite sufficient, but an early one. For example, it makes sense to prepare confirmation of changes in the surname, for example, about the conclusion or dissolution of a marriage, archival materials indicating any preferential work performed during certain periods of time, extracts from accounts or orders, and similar papers.

Procedure for appointment and payment

The pension payment itself to teachers is established on a lifetime basis, but the size of a teacher’s pension based on years of service will change annually, due to regular indexation by order of the government. Having collected all the necessary papers, you should submit them for review by specialists to the nearest branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of registration or actual place of residence.

According to the new legislation, not only Russian citizens can receive a pension, but also foreigners and persons who do not have any citizenship at all, but on the condition that they have a permanent place of residence on the territory of our state. You can submit documents in a variety of ways:

  • With the help of MFC employees, if they are available in your area.
  • By contacting the pension fund personally.
  • Through your personal account on the official website of the Russian Pension Fund.
  • Sending the papers by mail using the recommended letter with a full list of attachments.

Pension fund employees must answer whether the pension will be assigned early and in what amount, no later than ten days after submitting all documentation.

Refusal of preferential pension

The law provides for the right of a teacher to refuse retirement based on length of service. For the entire period of refusal, the teacher will be accrued an increased individual pension coefficient, and the amount of the fixed additional payment will also increase. The teacher has the right to write a statement regarding the start of accrual of early pension at any time after refusal.

Examples of calculating allowances

Example 1

This person also receives a 25% bonus for working in the village: 3278 x 1.25 = 4097.5

We calculate the fee for hours worked: (4097.5x22)/18=5008.1

Additional payment for class management – ​​20%: 4097.5x0.2=819.5

Additional payment for checking notebooks (22 hours) – 15%: (4097.5x0.15)x22/18=751.2

Based on teaching experience, another 20% of the net salary is accrued, 3,278%20 = 655 rubles. 6,578 + 655 = 7,233 rubles - a full salary.

Example 2

The salary based on his position is 3,589 rubles. This man has been working in the educational sector for 7 years (20% bonus).

According to this formula, 1.255 is an increasing coefficient for the category of his qualifications. 1.08 – for the title. 0.25 – bonus for working in the village. 0.15 – salary increase coefficient for the specifics of the work.

Based on all of the above, his salary will be equal to 6810.3 rubles. We calculate the bonus based on length of service: 3589%20=717 rubles. 6810+717=7527 rubles.

Example 3

A woman works as a teacher in preschool education. Has an allowance for working in rural areas. This teacher also has the highest qualification category. Her bet is 1.5.

The salary for her position is 3,589 rubles.

Based on the formulas described above, we have the following 3589×1.255×1.25 = 5630 rubles.

1.255 is an increasing coefficient due to the teacher having the highest category. 1.25 – allowance for work in rural areas. We add the profit for the hours actually worked, we have 8,445 rubles - a full salary.

3589%20=717 rubles – long service bonus. 8445+717=9162 rubles, full salary.

Example 4

The employee is engaged in educational work in a special correctional orphanage. Rate – 1. Previously, this person had rank 10 in the ETS. Worked in the field of educational institutions for 3 years (10%).

Salary based on position – 3,278 rubles.

Rate + specifics of work 3278x(1+0.2+0.2) = 4589 rub.

0.2 – bonus for working in an orphanage. 0.2 – bonus for working in a special institution.

4589%10=458.9 – bonus for teaching experience. 4589+458=5047.9 rubles final salary.

Example 5

A person works as a teacher of his native language in one of the republics of the Russian Federation. He teaches first through fourth grades at a comprehensive boarding school.

His teaching load is 24 hours a week. Qualification: first category. This employee is assigned a class, and accordingly he has a bonus for class management. Twenty-four hours a week are spent checking notebooks. The teacher has 2 years of teaching experience (10%).

Net salary – 3,589 rubles.

Then 3589×1.168×1.15 = 4820.7.

Where 1.168 is an increase in salary for the first category. 1.15 additional payment for the specifics of the work.

We calculate the bonus for the hours actually worked (4820.7×24 hours)/20 hours. = 5784.8.

This person receives 15% for class management (4820.7 × 0.15 = 723.1 rubles).

We calculate the extra charge for checking notebooks (4820.7×0.15)x24h./20h. = 867.7 rub.

3589%10=358.9 rubles – bonus for teaching experience. And that’s 5784.8 + 723.1 + 867.7 + 358.9 = 7734.5 – the final salary with all allowances.

What documents are needed for registration?

Starting from the first working day, the assignment to work is indicated in the work book.

Then, with each working day, the length of service increases. Depending on the number of years worked in the public sector, you receive a corresponding bonus; we wrote above about what percentage and for how many years you can receive.

Based on the above, all the documents necessary for calculating your length of service are already present in the accounting department or at your place of work. This means that all the necessary calculations will be carried out by accountants themselves.

When is it profitable to use a bonus payment system? All detailed information on this issue is here.

Do you think you deserve higher pay? Then quickly write a memo to your boss. You will find a sample in this article.

How is this allowance recorded in accounting?

It is calculated from the net salary and is treated as a regular additional payment for length of service in accounting calculations.

To summarize, it must be emphasized that allowances for public sector employees are very individual and depend on various factors. This means that your salary will differ from the salary of a colleague or an employee you know, and this is not surprising. True, it is important to remember that length of service depends on when official employment is indicated in the work book and in the corresponding contract.

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In accordance with the educational reform, the provisions of which came into force in 2008, remuneration for teachers is made according to a new scheme, which takes into account the qualification category, work experience, level of education and the presence of a registered degree. In the article, we will look at the features of remuneration for employees of educational institutions, and will also look at how to calculate bonuses for teachers for category, length of service, and experience.

Incentive payments to teachers in 2020 - what is it, criteria, in a rural school, how to calculate

“The Regulations on Remuneration, adopted at the school level, must stipulate how incentives are distributed. This is mainly decided by the director, head teacher and, perhaps, representatives of the school’s trade union organization. Teachers are hesitant to interfere in this process.

Teachers' salaries in 2020 latest news from the State Duma today

The kindergarten pays a bonus to teachers. According to the criteria, points are awarded for the quarter, their number is multiplied by the cost of one point, the amount of the premium is obtained. It is divided into three parts and paid monthly. How to calculate a bonus if an employee goes on sick leave, vacation or quits - according to the time worked or a fixed amount?

Despite the growth in indicators and almost 100% implementation of the “May” Decrees of 2012, more than 60% of Russian teachers, according to a study by RANEPA, are dissatisfied with their salaries, and 24% believe that the profession is not promising for young people. Almost 50% of school employees are forced to work part-time.

New teacher remuneration system (NSOT)

On August 5, 2008, the Government of the Russian Federation issued Resolution No. 583, according to which a new procedure for remuneration of employees of budgetary institutions was approved.

  • employees of federal budgetary institutions and government agencies;
  • civilian personnel of military units;
  • employees of federal executive authorities;
  • other public sector employees whose work was previously paid according to the Unified Tariff Schedule.

The provisions of Resolution No. 583 apply, inter alia, to the procedure for calculating and remunerating workers in the education sector - teachers of all levels and specializations, methodologists, laboratory assistants, management and administrative personnel of schools and educational institutions, as well as employees of educational institutions for preschool children.

Instead of the previously used Unified Tariff Schedule, from December 1, 2008, a new wage system (NSOT) is used to calculate teacher salaries, according to which:

  • for a teacher, a salary is established in the amount approved by regional executive authorities, but not less than the amount previously in force under the Unified Tariff Rate;
  • The teacher has the right to receive bonuses accrued for the qualification category, work experience, level of education and registration degree (if any).

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Military pensions

Special attention should be paid to military pensions in general. They have the most interesting and simple calculation. The thing is that for military personnel, as well as for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the pension itself is calculated according to the following scheme: the first 20 years of service are paid in the amount of 50% of the salary. And for each subsequent year of “service” you receive +3%. At the same time, the maximum permissible “norm” of such an allowance cannot exceed 85%.

amount of surcharge for length of service

As you can see, everything is extremely simple. A similar scheme was invented in order to increase the number of military personnel in Russia. This is a very good solution. In addition to bonuses, pensions and additional payments, such employees can also count on certain benefits, as well as housing.

Allowances for teachers according to NSOT: for category, for length of service, for experience

The purpose of introducing NSET in the field of education is to stimulate teachers to constantly improve their own professional level and qualifications by providing incentive payments. In addition, NSET provides financial incentives to individuals who have many years of experience in the field of education and training.

According to NSOT, monthly wages for teachers are calculated using the formula:

Salary for teachers = Salary + Compensation + Allowances,

where Salary is the salary amount established according to the qualification category; Compensation - the amount of additional payments accrued for the intensity of work (substitute work, combining positions, teaching children with disabilities, teaching activities in rural areas, etc.); Allowances are incentive payments accrued as an additional salary.

NSOT provides the following allowances for teachers:

  • for the qualification category;
  • for work experience in educational institutions;
  • for education;
  • for an academic degree.

Calculation of bonuses for teachers

The amount of the bonus (incentive payment) is determined by the formula:

Allowances = Salary * Coefficient,

where Salary is the salary amount established according to the qualification category; Coefficient – ​​bonus coefficient approved by the regional executive authority in accordance with the type of incentive payment.

  1. Bonus for length of service (length of service ). A teacher’s right to receive a bonus is determined in accordance with the regulations of regional executive authorities. In general, the executive body approves the categories of bonus recipients depending on the period of work in educational institutions, after which it determines the amount of the bonus as a percentage of the salary.
  2. Bonus for qualifications . The current legislative acts have approved 3 qualification categories of teachers - highest, I and II categories. The amount of the bonus is set by regional authorities as a percentage of the salary for each category. A teacher without a category, as a rule, receives a minimum bonus or is deprived of the right to an incentive payment on this basis.
  3. Education supplement . Another basis for assigning an incentive payment is the level of education of the teacher. A separate bonus coefficient is established for teachers with a bachelor's, specialist, or master's degree.
  4. Supplement for an academic degree . This type of bonus is an additional way to motivate teachers with a candidate of science degree, associate professor, professor, academician of science.

We emphasize that the amount of bonuses and the procedure for assigning them are approved at the regional level. Thus, incentive payments in different regions of the Russian Federation may differ significantly from each other. Also, regional authorities can adjust the approach to determining recipients of a particular allowance. For example, a bonus for experience in the Oryol region is paid only to those teachers who do not have a qualification category. If an employee of an institution is qualified, then he is assigned a bonus for his qualification category, without the right to receive an incentive payment for length of service.

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Service for teachers under the new pension reform in 2020

The need for such innovations is provoked by the rapid trend towards the aging of the nation and a decrease in the percentage of the working population. According to research results, by 2030 the number of pensioners will increase by 3%, and the number of working population will decrease by 2%. Therefore, the Cabinet of Ministers decided to increase the retirement age. The reform also encourages citizens to receive “white” wages, thereby gradually eradicating “earnings in envelopes.”

Calculation of pensions for teachers

  • annual leave;
  • temporary incapacity for work (confirmed by sick leave);
  • caring for a child until he reaches 1.5 years of age (only until October 1992, subsequently maternity leave is not considered part of the specialized experience);
  • studying at a university (provided that before the start of the study and after its completion the citizen carried out teaching activities).

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 48, additional payments, payments and allowances are established on the basis of an order from the director of an educational institution when conducting tariffication once every six months, or they are systematic in nature and paid to teaching staff whose positions are at Based on the Unified Qualification Directory, positions of managers, specialists and employees are classified as pedagogical.

The work of a teacher is not only very responsible, but also stands out due to its complexity. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that teaching staff belong to the category of persons for whom, due to the specifics of their work, the state has provided a number of guarantees, benefits and incentives.

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