Pensions and benefits: what social payments will increase in 2020

New for schoolchildren and teachers

The Russian secondary and higher education system is well prepared for a possible increase in the number of people infected with coronavirus infection . In particular, the new educational format will change the format of teaching in schools starting from September 1 . Everything will be aimed at maintaining social distance, if not between students of the same class, then at least between different classes.

Mass events are being cancelled, and restrictions are being introduced on school functions. All electives will go online; Only students of the same class will be able to visit the cafeteria, gym, and library at a time.

It is planned to make the beginning of the school day variable, if possible to abolish the classroom teaching system (all lessons will be held in one class), to open emergency entrances and exits in schools, and so on.

Wearing masks will be mandatory for school canteen workers, as well as for parents present at meetings or picking up children from school. Children do not have to wear masks; as for teachers, this issue will be decided by the regions.

If the epidemiological situation worsens, schools may switch to distance learning again.

As for changes in school life not related to COVID-19 , these are free hot meals for primary schoolchildren and a number of other innovations, which are described in the FAN material.

New rules will be introduced in schools

Pensions 2020: who will be increased and who will be left without an increase?

Pension provision is one of the most sensitive and socially significant topics for the population. At the end of 2020, parliament managed to adopt several documents defining a new procedure for paying pensions. Nothing global, but the timing and number of indexations, as well as the indexation rate, will be changed. recommends that you familiarize yourself with the information below.

Most of all to prosecutors

Oddly enough, the biggest increase in 2020 is promised to former employees of the prosecutor's office and investigation - a 30 percent increase is provided for them. So, if today the pension of a retired prosecutor is 21-23 thousand rubles, then in the new year it will increase to 27-30 thousand rubles. The increase is more than noticeable - on average, investigators and prosecutors will receive a plus of 6-7 thousand rubles. This frankly generous increase in pensions was caused by changes in the legislation regulating the activities of the investigative committee and the prosecutor's office. The authors of the amendments support them and point to increased social protection for former employees of state prosecution and investigation.

Plus, such an increase is designed to equalize the allowance and pensions of military prosecutors and investigators, who have recently joined the staff of the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Investigative Committee. They say that a significant difference was created, as a result of which the military received significantly less, and now this “gap” will be eliminated.

The exact size of the increase will depend on the special rank of the former officials, and it will be accrued starting from 02/01/2018. In total, pension increases are promised to 22 thousand prosecutors and 2.5 thousand investigators. Next year’s budget allocated more than 2.5 billion rubles for these purposes, and in future years – more than 3 billion rubles.

Military - no downgrade

As we know, the pensions of military pensioners are based on the current amount of monetary allowance provided to the military. This takes into account rank, position and length of service. In addition, the amount received is adjusted by the so-called reduction factor. The coefficient is gradually increasing, as a result of which military pensioners receive an increase in pension. So this year they waited until the last minute for his promotion, which never happened. As the Ministry of Finance keeps pointing out, the military already has normal pensions. As a result, the coefficient was frozen at 72%, and it was decided to return to its revision in 2020.

By the way, it is quite difficult to argue with the position of the Ministry of Finance. The average military pension today is about 25 thousand rubles , which is much higher than the average pension in the country. From the beginning of 2020, military pensioners, like everyone else, will receive indexed pension payments - on average, the increase will be 4% or 1 thousand rubles, which ordinary pensioners cannot count on - their increase will be significantly lower. In total, more than 2.6 million Russians receive payments through military pensions.

The rest are 555 rubles each

Changes in legislation also affected ordinary civil pensions paid within the insurance system. So, if last year indexing was carried out 2 times a year, in February and April, then in 2020 it will be carried out only once. However, now from the first of January. Once, because an increase of 3.7%, according to the government, is already higher than inflation, so a second additional indexation will no longer be required. By the way, according to officials, some pensioners have already received increased payments or will receive them by the end of December; the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, on the instructions of the president, has prepared to index payments in advance.

However, despite the real growth and the excess of inflation by 0.5-0.7 percentage points, in physical terms the additional payment seems to be quite meager and does not even reach the military level, what can we say about prosecutor’s pensions. For example, if today a pensioner receives an “average” pension – that is, about 15 thousand rubles, then his additional payment will be 555 rubles. But we know that not everyone receives a pension of this size, that is, not everyone will receive even that much.

In addition to them, at least 10 million pensioners who continue official work will not receive any increase at all. No matter how much talk there was about this, the government remained adamant and the indexation was never returned to working pensioners. It is believed that if you still have the strength to work, then you have enough to live on, and therefore you don’t have to increase your pension. In general, in August pensions are adjusted to the amount of insurance points they earned during the year. This year, for example, the maximum adjustment amount was 222 rubles; in 2020 it will reach 255 rubles. Fortunately, even after leaving work and retiring for a well-deserved retirement, all previously selected indexations will be returned to the pensioner - from the beginning of next year, an amendment will come into force that guarantees this right.

True, this is not without problems. Typically, recalculated pensions begin to be paid after 2-5 months, as a result of which old people lose thousands of rubles, which is truly unfair. These amendments should eliminate this gap - now the recalculation of pensions by the amount of lost indexations will be carried out from the first month. True, this was not without reservations: the Pension Fund claims that you will still have to wait a few months, but all the money will eventually be returned.

Even the social pension will increase

Social pensioners are a category of the population whose representatives have not been able to earn the required number of pension points or length of service, as a result of which they receive the smallest “social” pension. The state does not forget about them either; they are also promised a promotion. However, only from April - from 04/01/2018, almost 4 million social pensioners will receive an increase of 4.1%. As a result, their average pension will slightly exceed 9 thousand rubles.

Whose pension remains below the subsistence level is entitled to a regional or federal supplement. Thus, if the cost of living in a region is lower than in the country as a whole, the additional payment is financed from the federal budget; if it is higher, then from the regional budget.

By the way, in some regions of the country the cost of living has decreased slightly this year, which in theory should lead to a reduction in the amount of additional payments and, consequently, to a reduction in social pensions. What, however, will not happen: officials had the will to decide that social pensions in 2020 cannot be lower than 2020 levels.

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Cancellation of coronavirus payments

the coronavirus pandemic expire . In particular, from September 1, some allowances and payments introduced to support the unemployed, including those with children, will be cancelled.

The minimum unemployment benefit from September 1 will again be 1,725 ​​rubles per month (instead of 5,175 rubles paid from May to August). The additional payment of three thousand rubles, which was paid from June to August for each minor child if the parents were unemployed, will also be stopped.

In addition, the payment of fixed unemployment benefits to persons laid off during the pandemic is canceled. From September, the benefit amount will again be tied to the length of service at the last place of work and to the average salary for the last three months.

Some coronavirus payments will be canceled

What awaits retirees in 2020?

Indexation of pension payments is planned for 2020 in Russia. According to information from government representatives, this time it will take place in three stages. At the same time, the increase will be one-time, as there have been some changes in the indexing rules. Each of the three procedures will affect different groups of pensioners. It is worth talking in more detail about what exactly awaits Russian citizens of retirement age after indexation.

First of all, it is worth saying that the increase in pensions for the first category will begin in January. The government previously decided to move the start date back a month. According to previously adopted bills, pensions will increase in proportion to the growth of inflation in Russia. In addition, it is planned to take into account the increase in the cost of all groups of consumer goods. Therefore, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation usually waited for Rosstat to finally calculate inflation. Next year, calculations will be carried out in advance, so that the process of increasing pensions can begin on January 1. All Russian citizens who fall under the first stage will receive an increase of approximately 6.6 percent of current payments.

The government initially planned an increase of about 3% next year. This was the forecast for current inflation. The reality turned out to be much more positive, which is why it was decided to reconsider the size of the increase. Thus, prices for all groups of consumer goods in average annual terms as of September increased by approximately 3 percent. At the same time, the inflation rate was about 3.6 percent. Therefore, the Cabinet of Ministers decided not to wait for official figures and immediately budget for a future increase of 6.6%. In any case, it will be higher than real inflation, since by the end of the year a decrease in its rate is usually recorded.

The average pension payment this year is approximately 15.5 thousand rubles. In some regions it reaches 20 thousand, and in some it does not reach 10 thousand rubles. Government representatives previously noted that it would not be possible to equalize the indicators, since in different regions and territories there is a different coefficient of increase in the cost of consumer goods. Taking into account indexation, in a year the average pension will increase to 16,500 rubles. That is, the average increase can be about 1000 rubles.

It is worth talking in more detail about all the stages of increasing pension payments, as they have certain features.

The second to increase the pensions of social pensioners. They are approximately 4 million Russian citizens. As a rule, these are disabled people, war veterans, children left without a breadwinner in the family and other beneficiaries, as well as those who have not earned the required length of service. Now the average social pension is 9,242 rubles. In April, its size will be increased by approximately 7 percent. The average pension for disabled children or those disabled since childhood will be 13.6 thousand rubles. At the same time, in some regions the payment does not exceed 6 thousand rubles. As the Pension Fund of Russia explains, all pensioners (both social and insurance) whose income is below the pensioner’s subsistence level (PL) in their region of residence are entitled to social supplements. All the details of the transition to the new payment system will be made public closer to the beginning of the first stage of indexing.

The final stage is scheduled for August of this year. As part of it, pensions for working pensioners will be raised. There are about 14 million of them in Russia. According to information from government representatives, indexation will not affect them, however, the amount of payments will increase due to an increase in seniority.

Companies continue to pay insurance premiums for working pensioners. According to the updated rules, they are transformed into pension points. In 2020, its size will be increased to 93 rubles. For all temporarily working pensioners, other incentives have appeared - for example, you can postpone retirement voluntarily (or suspend receiving a pension). After this, the individual will have to contact the social insurance service and apply for retirement again. In this case, the amount of its payments will be affected by annual indexation.

OSAGO: mandatory technical inspections are returning

The benefit for motorists, which provided the opportunity to obtain a compulsory motor liability insurance policy without a technical inspection, is being cancelled. Please note that mandatory inspections have been temporarily canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic. But starting from September 30, a compulsory MTPL insurance policy can be purchased only after passing a technical inspection, and the rules for conducting maintenance will gradually become stricter.

Rural residents will receive an increase in pensions

Pensions for rural pensioners will be increased by 25%. The bonus will be calculated on a fixed payment basis. The recalculation will be done by September 1. But such recalculation and increase applies only to those residents of rural areas who have work experience equal to 30 years in agriculture.

The Pension Fund notes that work for rural residents who worked in the following agricultural areas is counted as length of service:

  1. Plant growing.
  2. Animal husbandry.
  3. Fish farming.
  4. Work on a collective farm.
  5. Work on a state farm.
  6. Work at a machine and tractor station.
  7. Work at an intercollective farm enterprise.

Pensions will be recalculated automatically. This will happen if the pension file has all the necessary information. Then the Russian Pension Fund will recalculate without the pensioner’s application.

The increase in 2020 is 1,421 rubles.

If there are no documents confirming the length of service, there will be no recalculation and, accordingly, no increase. But a pensioner can submit documents proving their right to a bonus. If a rural pensioner has not received an increase, then you need to contact the Pension Fund before the end of the calendar year.

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