Compensation for pensioners when moving from the Far North

Who can get it?

Pensioners are perhaps the most vulnerable category of citizens, especially if they do not receive any payments other than a pension and no longer work. It is precisely for such people that compensation is provided for moving from the northernmost regions of the country. The specific requirements for the applicant for a cash payment are as follows:

  • Russian citizenship;
  • receives a pension;
  • has no other income, i.e. does not work (additional payments and subsidies do not count).

If you are a working pensioner, then you need to go to your employer for payment. Compensation is also provided for persons not of retirement age, but only if they are dependent on a pensioner.

The nature of the pension payment is also important. Preference is given to those who receive an insurance pension or a state pension. provision.

Under what conditions can a pensioner receive compensation?

Not all pensioners can count on compensation for expenses. To receive money, the following mandatory conditions must be met:

  • The pensioner has Russian citizenship.
  • The citizen is unemployed.
  • A person receives an insurance pension and/or a state security pension.
  • In addition to income from employment, the recipient does not have other types of income - for example, under civil contracts for the performance of work (rendering services), under licensing publishing agreements, copyright agreements, etc.

Above we have listed the main conditions. In addition, in order to receive compensation, so-called additional requirements must be met. They relate to the following points:

  • The fact of moving - a person actually has to move, and not leave for some period of time. The move is confirmed by deregistration at the old address and registration at the new one.
  • Relocation period - the resolution on compensation of expenses came into force on May 16, 2013. Therefore, compensation for relocation is due no earlier than this date.
  • Place of relocation – both the point of departure and the place of arrival are important. The pensioner must leave the RKS or ISS and arrive within Russia in a region different in climatic conditions from the northern ones.

In accordance with regulatory requirements, dependent family members of the pensioner also have the right to compensation. The state defines such persons as:

  • Disabled spouses.
  • Children, including adopted children, sisters, brothers and grandchildren under the age of 18.
  • Children, sisters, brothers and grandchildren under the age of 23 while studying full-time.
  • Children, sisters, brothers and grandchildren over 23 years of age, if they received disabled status before the age of 18, are fully supported by the pensioner and have no other sources of livelihood.

Note! Sisters, brothers and grandchildren of a pensioner are considered dependents of the pensioner if they do not have able-bodied parents.

Read: What is the supplement to the pension for a dependent in 2020

Moving conditions

Even if a pensioner does not work, he can receive a payment if he complies with all the conditions established by law. They concern the following:

  • Moving period . Must take place no earlier than May 16, 2013. The very provision on compensation of this kind was adopted in 2014 (the law already existed, it was simply amended), but it began to apply “retroactively” from May 2013. That is, those who moved earlier were unable to receive the payment.
  • Direction . Both the point of departure and the point of arrival are important here. A person must leave from the Far North or equivalent areas. But the arrival point should be further south. What does this mean? If you move from one region to another region of the Far North, you will not be given compensation. For example, if a pensioner leaves Arkhangelsk for Vorkuta, he will pay for the move himself. And if he goes to Krasnodar, then certain expenses will be reimbursed by the state.
  • The actual move . That is, a person must deregister at his old place of residence and register at a new one. If he just went on a visit for a long time, no one will compensate for his expenses.

The compensation itself is paid through the Pension Fund, where the pensioner is registered. This is where you need to apply; in the old branch of the Pension Fund they will refuse to give you money.

Who receives compensation

The right to reimbursement of moving expenses for pensioners from northern areas to other non-northern regions of the Russian Federation for permanent residence is guaranteed by the provisions of Part 6 of Art. 35 of Law No. 4520-1 “On state guarantees and compensation for persons working and living in the Far North and equivalent areas.” If a family member who is a disabled dependent of the pensioner moves with a pensioner, they are also compensated for moving costs in the same amount as their breadwinner. The procedure for reimbursement of costs was approved by Government Resolution No. 1351 “On amendments to certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on issues of increasing the accessibility of energy infrastructure in relation to certain groups of consumers.” According to them, a pensioner is compensated for moving expenses when:

  • the move is carried out from the Far North region or an equivalent region to a populated area that does not have such status;
  • a pensioner moves to a permanent place of residence - before applying for money, the applicant must register permanently at the address of his new residence;
  • he does not officially work and does not receive income from transactions for the provision of civil services.

Compensation is provided one-time to persons who apply to the territorial division of the Pension Fund at their new address.

What amount will be compensated?

The minimum and maximum amounts of compensation are not established by law. It all depends on the distance of the trip and some other circumstances. In general, funds are returned under two headings:

  1. travel costs;
  2. baggage costs.

Each of them has its own characteristics and rules. It is not always possible to reimburse all expenses, since there are limitations.

For travelFor luggage
Conditions and featuresThe amount of compensation is calculated based on the cost of travel along the shortest route or the one made without a transfer.
There are restrictions on the type and class of transport itself.
The cost of baggage transportation weighing up to 1 ton per person is compensated (separately for a pensioner and his dependents, depending on their number).
For example, a pensioner and 2 dependents will be able to return money for transporting 3 tons of things in total. Maximum total weight – 5 tons per family. That is, if there are, for example, 6 dependents, then the family will receive compensation only for 5 tons.

Naturally, no one will return money for travel on an airplane in business class. There are some limitations here:

  • Railway transport . The train category is not important. Type of carriage - any, except for compartments designed for 2 people, and SV.
  • Water transport . Including sea and river. Money is refunded for travel in category III cabins.
  • Airy . It can be used in two cases: if there are no trains in the desired direction or the price of a flight is lower than a train ride. The cost of tickets is reimbursed exclusively on economy class planes.
  • Motor transport . We are talking about intercity moving here. This means public transport.

In some areas it is not possible to travel by public transport at all. If a pensioner and his family decide to travel by personal car, then they can also compensate for the costs. But here the refunded amount will consist of expenses for gasoline/other fuel used.

Legislative regulation

Today, there are many bills that regulate the issue of providing pensions for citizens of retirement age.

Moreover, if we talk about the procedure for calculating the northern pension in the event of a possible move to another region of residence, then it is necessary to build on the Federal Law “On Labor Pension Security for Citizens of the Russian Federation” .

In particular, we are talking about such points as:

  • No. 7, which determines the basic pension amount for citizens who live in any region of the country (this means the basic pension amount);
  • No. 14, which regulates the issue of determining the northern pension for citizens in the event of their possible move to another region of residence.

This list is not exhaustive, but it is necessary to know it to possibly protect your interests.

When can I get it?

Relocation compensation is not provided in advance. It is paid after settling in a new place. Moreover, you need to go to the new branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and register there (now you will also receive your pension here).

Before going to the Pension Fund, you must obtain confirmation of a change of residence. If you bought an apartment, register in it, otherwise, arrange at least temporary registration.

Next, contact the Pension Fund. They will request your file from the previous department, and then they will issue you a pension at your current place of residence. Only after this can compensation be issued. To receive money, you need to confirm your expenses for moving and luggage. The list of documents includes bills, receipts, checks, tickets for all family members. You will also need to fill out an application; its form can be found in Appendix No. 2 to Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 796n dated November 22, 2020. The same document sets out in detail the circulation regulations and other important nuances.

Link to document:

Download an application for compensation for expenses associated with moving from the Far North (sample)

What happens if you don’t bring any documents ? You will not be refunded any money for moving. Such compensation is paid based on the amount of expenses incurred, and if you cannot prove yours, therefore, you did not have them for the Pension Fund. Therefore, it is necessary to save all tickets along the route.

You can apply for compensation without a personal visit: send documents by mail, contact the MFC, or use your personal account on the Pension Fund website.

Where to send documents

An application for the allocation of compensation must be submitted to:

  • dismissed at the last place of service;
  • for pensioners - to the Pension Fund branch at the new place of registration;
  • for the unemployed - to the employment authorities;
  • pregnant women - to the social insurance authorities.

The package of documents includes the following papers:

  1. ID cards of all family members (passports, children’s birth certificates);
  2. confirming family ties (marriage certificate, etc.);
  3. travel documents;
  4. contract and other documents confirming the transportation of baggage;
  5. pensioners additionally attach:
      a copy of the pension certificate;
  6. certificate of registration at the Pension Fund of Russia branch at the new place of residence;
  7. sometimes required (depending on the situation in the family):
      court decision on adoption;
  8. certificate of disability of a loved one;
  9. other.

Important: the fact of a change in place of permanent residence must be recorded in the passports of all family members (dependents).

When will the funds be paid?

Review of the application takes some time. Specialists are obliged:

  • check the package for the accuracy of the provided certificates;
  • find out whether the applicant has received this type of assistance before;
  • determine the legality of the claim.

The actual review period is determined by the payer’s local regulations. Thus, according to internal instructions, PFR specialists are given 30 days to study the papers and make a decision. After this period, the applicant is sent a written reasoned response (within three days):

  • about the satisfaction of the application;
  • about refusal indicating objective reasons.

Hint: They may refuse if the application does not comply with legal standards. In addition, if it turns out that the applicant has already received a payment on these grounds, for example, at his last duty station.

An unjustified refusal may be appealed in court. Federal authorities usually transfer money within a month. Organizations operating at the expense of local budgets may extend the payment period, citing insufficient funding.

Dear readers!

We describe typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique and requires individual legal assistance.

To quickly resolve your problem, we recommend contacting qualified lawyers on our website.

Migration with the whole family

Moving to a place where retirees can safely live can take place with the whole family, with small children. It is necessary to take into account future comfortable conditions for a small organism. Sudden climate change is also dangerous for healthy people. For a weak child, pediatricians advise, a coastal area is more suitable.

It may be favorable to move a family with children to Kazan ; the city ranks first in several lists of top Russian cities. It is important for parents to know that here their children will receive the most successful sports, cultural, and intellectual development.

Belgorod and Voronezh, the largest centers of science and education, are not much inferior in this regard. Young people in Rostov-on-Don will receive cultural and musical development. Kaliningrad is considered by many to be more favorable among other cities for several factors - environmental, economic, geographical (close to Europe, higher quality of life, more business opportunities).

Not very far abroad

You don’t have to go to a distant foreign land like China, you don’t have to stay in your homeland, but consider a move that’s not too far away. Minsk will be very comfortable . They will be attracted by low prices and benefits for pensioners, the climate is milder than Russia’s, and the opportunity to engage in farming.

It is worth considering both the future housing and the Baltic states , the Russian-speaking population is in abundance, the same mild climate; the cost of goods and services in relation to a Russian pension is relatively low.

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An alternative to extreme aging

Krasnodar . It occupies the penultimate place in the list of cities according to the well-being index (source: Center for the Study of Pension Reform): 51. Krasnodar Territory: 9984 (pension amount); 10081 (amount of necessary expenses); -97 (balance of available funds); 0.04 (well-being index).

But this is compensated by good opportunities for doing business, agricultural in particular; developed economy and infrastructure. Convenient for purchasing a house with a vegetable garden and further agricultural activities.

Among the benefits for pensioners over 80 years of age are a discount on medicines and compensation for housing and communal services up to 100%.

The city is also famous for its high emotional component, the optimism of its residents, who are in full confidence in the onset of a better life. This indicator, along with the level of safety and environmental condition, allowed the city to take fifth place in the “Happiest Five” monitoring. Sochi was in sixth place. And the first ones identified were: Grozny, Tyumen, Kazan, Surgut.

But in terms of “living conditions”, regardless of a person’s social status, it is in second place, right behind Tyumen. Click on the infographic to enlarge.

How does the procedure for calculating the northern pension change when changing your region of residence?

What amount of northern pension provision will be accrued monthly directly depends on the regional characteristics where citizens live and carry out their work activities.

It is necessary to understand that for each region a local coefficient , which is further multiplied by the basic pension amount:

  • according to the age;
  • due to the loss of a breadwinner;
  • due to disability.

To determine the retirement pension, the period of work experience itself is taken into account. However, the calculation does not take into account the grace period - only the calendar one. The maximum pension amount in this case cannot exceed the mark, which is 3 times the minimum wage. This amount may vary depending on the coefficient in each specific region.

Today, the amount of the basic pension for citizens who have northern work experience is 5,865 rubles. If there are dependents, the amount increases to 7820 rubles.

For citizens who have worked in regions that are equivalent to the Far North, the amount is 5,083 rubles, and if they have a dependent, the amount increases to 6,777 rubles.

Today, the average labor pension in the Far North region is about 13,710 rubles.

If a situation arises where it is necessary to move to another region where the climate is milder, the pension will be calculated a little differently. The same situation arises with those citizens who, on the contrary, at retirement age move to live in the North.

In such situations, the amount of pension payments will directly depend on the legislative framework of the particular region of residence. But the northern experience itself will remain unchanged.

If we talk about whether the northern pension will be preserved when moving to a region with a mild climate or not, then there is only one answer - maybe it all depends on where the person is moving.

In the case of moving, the basic size of the northern pension will already increase by the coefficient of the specific region of residence, and in this case, you can expect either a decrease or an increase.

At the same time, it is necessary to remember one nuance - if the amount of required length of service is exceeded , the northern pension will definitely be increased, and it will not be able to affect the size of the regional coefficient. In simple terms, the northern pension will increase, regardless of the region in which a pensioner with northern experience will live.

I don't want to sit on the stove!

Not all retirees change their place of residence solely for a well-deserved rest. The habit of working developed over a lifetime and the desire to remain active forces one to choose a region with opportunities for its continuation. In this regard, it is worth considering Kazan and Tyumen , which provide good opportunities for improving well-being with your work.

The oil and gas, woodworking industry of Tyumen determines everything - high salaries, quality education, medical care and housing and communal services that are different from those everywhere in Russia. Residents talk about all this in various forms of opinion polls. Work and decent earnings await many here, regardless of age, provided they have the strength and desire.

Moscow remains unrivaled with an incomparable labor market for people of any profession, for those who want to do their own thing.

The dream of many Russians is beautiful St. Petersburg . Those who are in love with the art and culture of our country will find a point of application of their strength here for the rest of their lives. You can try to compete in the excursion, hotel, and tourism sectors with some success. If being determines consciousness, then St. Petersburg is the land where cultured, intelligent people grow up, the way many would like their children to be. True, people who are accustomed to the sun will be very bored without it.

Ekaterinburg . It is worth considering as an option for moving, because it is a very developed industrial and scientific center. Many will be able to find work in the trade sector. Like any metropolis, the city has a widely developed services market that provides jobs for those who want it.

It is Yekaterinburg that is distinguished by the quality of education received in a huge number of educational institutions, which have recently created healthy competition with the capital’s (often corrupt) science schools. Housing here is at an affordable price, which is uncharacteristic for a metropolis.

A pensioner who does not want to live on old-age benefits can apply his potential at enterprises in Kaliningrad, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, and Sochi. There are also suitable conditions for starting your own business.

The top five salary leaders are:

  1. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (oil and gas production).
  2. Chukotka (a harsh but rich region).
  3. Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.
  4. Nenets Autonomous Okrug (there is no need to talk about a peaceful old age, but self-realization and earnings are for the strong in spirit).
  5. Magadan region (where to get away from statistics - fish and gold in the presence of a frightening name and history of the region).

What do you need to become a participant in the program?

To participate in the subsidy program, citizens must complete 4 steps:

  1. During the first half of the year until July, an application for participation is submitted at the place where they are registered as needy. The application is accompanied by a package of supporting documents and written consent of the entire family to the processing of personal data.
  2. Until the beginning of August, the local administration processes submitted applications and creates lists of future migrants with a priority according to the degree of need and time of application. More details about the rules for assigning a queue are stated in Article 2 of the Law “On Housing Subsidies”.
  3. After placing on the queue, the authorized body notifies the applicants by mail or by personal delivery of a written decision indicating the queue number or with a message about the refusal.
  4. When the turn comes, the applicant is invited to receive a certificate for the purchase of housing.

The package of necessary documents for a migrant is determined individually, but there are general requirements for the list:

  1. Completed form provided at the place of application.
  2. Personal documents (copies) for each household member.
  3. Certificate of family composition and size of the residential property in which the applicant lives.
  4. Certificate of accumulated insurance experience obtained in the Far North.
  5. Pension certificate (for pensioners).
  6. Certificate confirming disability.
  7. Paper confirming registration with the SZN (for the unemployed).


How long does the right to exercise a migrant certificate last?


You have 2 months to contact a bank that supports the state program to complete a transaction with a subsidy. If you do not manage to use the certificate on time, you will have to reapply and wait your turn.

After contacting the bank, the terms of the upcoming purchase and sale transaction will be agreed upon. The bank verifies the information about the recipient of the payment and opens an account specifically for crediting funds from the budget. After presenting the contract for the purchase of an apartment or a signed construction contract, it is time to receive compensation. In addition to the housing certificate, displaced persons receive additional support in the form of cash payments to return the funds spent on moving.

How is housing subsidy calculated?

It will not be possible to buy luxury housing in the center of Moscow for the compensation received. The size is strictly fixed and controlled by regional authorities, taking into account the characteristics of the real estate market in the region.

The calculation of the subsidy due when moving is determined taking into account the number of family members:

  1. For a single person, compensation equal to 33 square meters will be allocated from the budget.
  2. For spouses without children or single-parent families with one child – 42 meters of living space.
  3. The rest will receive compensation of 18 meters for each subsequent family member.

To determine the cost of one meter, they proceed from the average cost established by the administration of the subject of the Federation where the migrant plans to move.

Every year, the Ministry of Construction adjusts the federal cost of a meter, based on which the total amount of the subsidy is determined. For 2020, a separate Order No. 925 fixed the federal cost standard for 1 meter - 38 thousand 320 rubles. However, this limit is subject to revision at the regional level if the authorities receive consent from the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation. IDPs who have terminated their tenancy agreement and vacated an apartment in the northern region will be able to count on receiving a certificate.

They wanted to live in a warm place, but you can’t take Siberian health with you...

“Moving for permanent residence in Sochi, Anapa...” - this search query is asked more than five thousand times a month. Russians google how health reacts to a change of place of residence, in which area there is a clean sea, where life is cheaper. The thought of leaving for a well-deserved rest in a warm place visits every second pensioner who gave his best years to the North. The children have grown up, the northern experience has been earned, and so have the sores. But is it worth the risk in old age and testing the strength of Siberian health? After all, moving is always a hassle, a strain on the heart, and adaptation to a completely different climate will certainly not pass without a trace. Will sunstroke be enough? Will there be good doctors there if something happens? We will talk about this with doctors, experts, as well as Surgut residents who took the risk.


Evgenia and Victor Masyutenko (More than 30 years in the North), moved to Sochi

— We spent 5 years in retirement in Surgut - we realized that there were no worries in winter - just going to the store. And you won’t get too much time on vacation. We began to look for options for relocation. We visited Sochi and liked it, but then the prices had already risen, we were worried that after the sale of the Surgut apartment we wouldn’t be able to afford it. But a good option turned up, and everything was quickly re-arranged. Now children and grandchildren come to us only in the summer. We don’t set records in the heat - we hide in the shade. And grandpa even found himself a job! Colleagues were worried and joked that since he was from the north, he needed more powerful air conditioning.

Andrey Prodeus, Doctor of Medical Sciences

The sun is one of the main provocateurs of autoimmune diseases, not a very harmless thing. Northerners do not have very well developed sun protection. Moving is, of course, stressful for the body. However, there are people who move and live quietly. Somewhere in Nadym they were sick, but in the Krasnodar Territory they are beginning to live quite well. It's just that most often we know about negative stories. In addition, Russians really like to, how can I put it...cry.

Ask your heart strictly

Medical climatology studies the influence of climate on human health. First of all, climatologists are confused by short-term tours to exotic countries, which northerners often treat themselves to in the middle of winter. It’s not for nothing that northerners have longer vacations than the national average: time to adapt is an important factor.

But if the perfect moment is found, tickets are purchased, the container is sent “due south,” what should you pay attention to?

Experts identify a number of chronic diseases, in the presence of which you need to be on alert. These are cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary and allergic diseases, as well as pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, psycho-emotional disorders. Before saying goodbye to your local therapist, it would be good to get all the recommendations from him and write down the names of the medications “with you.”

D edushka from the North

It is important to understand that you won’t be able to get attached to a clinic in a new location right away - it’s a hassle, queues, stuffy rooms. Qualified specialists are concentrated mainly in regional centers. Therefore, it is better to study in advance the list of nearby private clinics, their reviews and prices. And also, don’t overestimate your strength and don’t rush into all kinds of troubles: build a house, dig up a hectare-sized garden, raise a hundred head of cattle...

The main fears of experienced northerners are the southern sun. How, after nine months of winter, switch to the “nine months - summer” mode? “Of course, it is better to plan a move from the northern region of the country to the southernmost one in the fall. When the sun is still warm, fruits delight the body, but in the north it’s already frosty,” advises psychotherapist Antonina Tropinina .

From the 90s to the present, Russia has been experiencing a “western drift” - the movement of residents of Siberia and the Far East to the European part of the country, as well as a massive outflow of residents from the northern regions.


Lyudmila Abasheva , (in Surgut for more than 20 years), moved to Goryachiy Klyuch

— We moved to Goryachiy Klyuch because relatives live there. We looked around for a long time, but in the end we decided that there was no better place to find. It’s very beautiful, the people are friendly, the sea is two hours away by train. We have a lot of fellow countrymen here, there is Surgutskaya Street and even the “Surgutyanochka” store is open. As for my health, I would say that it has become better. My legs stopped swelling and I began to suffer less from seasonal diseases. And therefore there is no urgent need to consult a doctor.

From the dear North towards the south

So, the sea, mountains, steppes, fruits, wines, lack of snow are advantages. But what are the pitfalls?

Firstly , it is difficult for many older people to suddenly find themselves without their usual social circle - their next-door neighbor, friends, doctors. This is fraught with the fear of being alone with your problems.

Secondly , food: fruits and vegetables from local producers, which northerners so often consider a strong argument for moving, are not so easy to find on the shelves in warmer climes: they mainly sell Turkish apples and strawberries, meat from South America... Of course, “ The markets have their own sellers of natural products, and word of mouth quickly brings new residents up to speed.

Thirdly , it is often difficult for visiting Surgut residents to get used to the need to buy drinking water. The water in Surgut is not bad, and its taste is

differs significantly even from Tyumen. In the South, old pipes, contaminants and seasonal contamination make drinking tap water dangerous.


Nadezhda Chebotareva (more than 30 years in the North), moved to Tolyatti

— A colleague went on vacation to the Black Sea for a month. After this, problems with the thyroid gland began. It turned out that she had already had problems before, and the southern sun provoked the disease. So we went to Togliatti first. From here it is a stone's throw to both Moscow and the sea. Here we have a construction business (we build cottages for young families and retirees). People are actively moving here: both young families and retirees.

By the way, about water. As an argument in favor, it is worth mentioning the famous water and mud baths of the Stavropol Territory, Crimea, Kuban - this is what the Russian nobility regularly went “to the waters” to correct diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory organs. Now health resorts are being revived by businessmen. But the prices there scare off even northerners. For example, a course in Kislovodsk is comparable in cost to a week in Karlovy Vary, taking into account the road.


Evgenia Rymanova (lived in Surgut for 33 years) Novorossiysk - There was zero fear. A person should live in more favorable conditions and climate. I can hardly stand the heat, but today air conditioners are a great help. I started visiting doctors less often: local immunity had developed. But the medicine there is much worse, that’s a fact. There are no conditions or doctors like those in Ugra. But there are sanatoriums where you can undergo a course of treatment twice a year.

From Surgut to Surgutskaya Street

Belgorod is a kind of compromise for the Yugra residents, for whom doctors strictly forbade the southern heat. In Belgorod there is even an entire street called Surgutskaya. Former oil workers and construction workers built their dachas there to come and relax from harsh working conditions. The Surgut private sector smoothly flows into the multi-storey buildings of Gazovikov Street, and you can probably find our brother there too... They say that the “grandfathers from the North” live quite comfortably there. Some got a vegetable garden, some got an apiary. There is even a lake where Surgut residents breed fry for fishing.

Sergei Pereladov and Vladimir Bratashov did not move further than the Moscow region In general, according to statistics, Surgut officials of the highest and middle levels rarely remain in the north, moving away from management. Perhaps the most extravagant choice was made by the ex-head of the Surgut Committee on Ecology and Environmental Management Irina Sharokhovskaya , who became a “reincarnation consultant” in Bali...


Natalia and Vladimir Bratashov (more than 30 years in the North), moved to the Moscow region

“It’s been almost six years since we left Surgut and we don’t regret it. We feel much better: the headaches are no longer tormented, the functioning of blood vessels has improved. When choosing a place of residence, they still listened to the opinion of doctors: the southern heat is contraindicated for northerners. And here we have a garden with apple trees, a vegetable garden and freedom! After all, a healthy lifestyle and nature are the main healers for humans. Movement is life. In terms of the level of medicine, of course, in Surgut it is at the highest level. But here we have found where you can receive treatment under compulsory medical insurance. The north is a job, a career, and a well-deserved rest should be such that the trees bloom outside the windows.


Ivan Onopa (more than 30 years in the North), Gelendzhik

“The doctors told us that the route to the south was closed. Then we started looking at reviews, studying where the climate was most comfortable. As a result, we settled on Divnomorskoye, near Gelendzhik. The South greeted us hospitably. Moreover, not only the weather, the terrain, but also the people. In my opinion, it is a myth that cores are not allowed to go to the sea. I walk in the mountains, breathe the sea air, and feel how nature gives me strength. Now, when we come to visit friends in Surgut, we already feel like guests...

Crimea is not our... choice?

After its inclusion in the Russian Federation, Crimea became one of the regions that actively attract internal migrants. At the same time, it is Sevastopol that, in relative terms, is many times ahead of Moscow. People come here not only in search of a serene old age, but also job prospects. The climate of the peninsula is drier, with warm summers and wet winters.

Therefore, in Crimea, hypertensive patients feel comfortable even in summer. And unlike, for example, Novorossiysk, in the spring and autumn there are no nor'easters knocking you down.


Yulia Berkut

(in the north for more than 40 years), moved to Crimea

— The North is like your first love, which cannot be forgotten! But the south needs to be given a chance! He also needs our love))) The main disadvantage of Surgut, IMHO, is the lack of sun! When it comes to health, it’s a sin to complain! The children haven’t been sick in a year, and we are full of energy! After 40 years of living in the North, I realized that this is a crime against my own body! (photo as visual material of the marine climate).

In a word, life flows slowly and serenely. True, Villabaggio is still far away due to the unstable political situation. There is a risk of at least getting nervous. And there are still problems with water on the peninsula. Let us recall that Crimea provided up to 85 percent of its water needs through the North Crimean Canal, which Ukraine blocked in 2014.

Once upon a time, the conquerors of the north, driven by the romance of large construction projects and the discovery of deposits, took much more risks! They created families where they were sent to hard labor, spent the best years of their lives... They deserved a fine autumn and those 156 days of sunny days. We do not undertake to say that tomorrow we need to pack our bags and sell our Surgut apartment, and the reviews of “former” fellow countrymen are a small summary. In any case, it’s worth discussing all the pros and cons with a therapist and going for a reconnaissance.


Vladimir Bazarov , an experienced Surgut resident, moved to Sevastopol

— From a climate point of view, Sevastopol is, of course, more comfortable. I feel great, I didn’t think about the pain because it didn’t get any worse. When you have a lot of work, you don’t really notice such things. The dress code in a new place in the summer is not so strict; you don’t look like a suit. But the understanding that you can swim in the sea any day after work is worth a lot. And another important factor is very good, high-quality products.

Natalia Duplyakina, (almost 20 years in the North), Abinsk

— There was no fear of moving. There are relatives in the Krasnodar region. In Surgut since 1996, left 5 years ago. My health has improved: my blood pressure rises less often and my joints feel better, since, unlike Surgut, it quickly becomes dry there in the spring. In winter it was very difficult to move around in Surgut, but in Abinsk I walk every day. When it’s very hot in the summer, we go to the market early in the morning and into the yard in the evening, and during the day under the air conditioning. Grandchildren are already arriving in May - isn’t that the main thing?

Svetlana Alieva , deputy head physician of the Surgut Trauma Hospital

— The most difficult thing is a change in the usual environment, which causes severe stress. Some of my friends tried to move to warmer climes after retirement. Having lived there for a short time, they returned, citing the fact that they wanted to celebrate old age in a familiar environment, next to their family. There is an opinion that chronic diseases worsen when moving, but this is not true. You shouldn't attach so much importance to climate.

Read the cardiologist’s recommendations at the link, in the “opinions” section.

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